3 DIY Gifts for Your Little One Who Might Not Know It's the Holidays

By Catherine Andrasko

 Tissue Paper!

I know it seems a little basic but hear me out. A great easy activity for kids who understand reach and grasp and enjoy the sound of crinkle toys this is perfect. Find a fun old box, paint an old Amazon delivery box, or use a shoe box. Practicing opening the box or bag to a fun crinkly paper is great to engage the tactile, auditory, and visual senses. It also helps to teach your child cause and effect by opening a box to find something inside.
Total Cost: 0-10 dollars

 Ribbon Pull toys

This one is great to use with left over ribbon and snack containers, and either a bead or a big knot.

First take your snack container, I’m using an old Pringles tube for it’s heartiness and circular shape.  4 different ribbon types for varying textures but you can use as many as you’d like! Poke holes in the tube either with a screw driver or scissors. Make sure the holes you cut are smaller than your knots or beads at the end so that your child doesn’t pull the ribbon all the way out, you do want a stopping point! Thread your ribbon through 2 of the holes, one on each side. Repeat with your additional ribbons. If desired, you can choose to glue the top of the container on but it’s not necessary.

This toy engages cause and effect relationships, provides texture and tactile input with the varying textures of the ribbon, encourages problem solving, and assists with reach, grasp and pull. Or, turn it on one side and use it as a drum
Total cost: 0-$20 depending on the number of supplies you need to buy. But easily an under $5 gift if you have most of the materials at home!

 DIY colored rice rattles/shakers
What you need: white rice, food coloring, vinegar, an old jar with a screw top lid (think baby food jar).

How to:
1.     Fill a sandwich bag with 1 cup of rice and 1 teaspoon of vinegar

2.     Add about an 1/8th of a teaspoon of food coloring into the bag

3.     Zip the bag shut and squeeze/shake the bag to mix the rice until the food coloring is well distributed

4.     Add more food coloring if desired to reach optimal color

5.     Pour colored rice on to a cookie sheet and spread it out to expedite drying time. To absorb the moisture and help the rice dry more quickly, line the tray with a paper towel or hand towel

6.     Rice will take between 2 hours and a dull day to dry depending on your climate and humidity.

7.     Once dry, pour into your jar and shake for entertainment!

 Note: I changed my proportions to ¼ of this recipe so ¼ cup of rice to ¼ teaspoon of vinegar and a few dops of food coloring. It dried in about an 45 minutes to an hour

These are great for sensory play shaking and rattling while watching the colors combine. If using a circular jar, they’re great to promote movement while sitting or on tummy time. They’re a fantastic option for reach and grasp and promoting cause and effect relationships!
Total Cost: 0-$10 depending on what you need to buy

 Last but not least, wrapping up old toys or hand-me-downs is a great option for your little one who still hasn’t quite grasped the concept of holiday gifts. They have something to open that you know they will enjoy and they’re part of the family tradition!

Happy Holidays!


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