Summer Camp ~At Home Edition~

By Cara Yochai, DPT

Tara Lidde, DPT


This is a time of year that is usually filled with end of school year celebrations and packing bags for summer camp. While this summer might look a bit different, there are plenty of ways to bring that summer camp experience to your own backyard. It’s also a chance to bring back some activities that you may not have participated in since you yourself were a camper! #nostalgia 


  1. Obstacle Course

  2. Potato Sac Races

  3. Egg on a Spoon Race

  4. Jump Rope Contest

  5. Red Light Green Light

  6. Musical Chairs

  7. Name that Tune

  8. Ball Games/Backyard Sports


  1. Bracelet Making: Beads, String, Hemp, Lanyard…Friendship bracelets stand the test of time!

  2. Tie Dying: Tie dye is making a big come back this summer.

  3. S’more Making: Nothing reminds us more of summer and camp than a marshmallow, graham cracker, and chocolate sandwich.

Water Fun: Make sure there is always parent supervision with water activities 

  1. Swimming

  2. Sprinklers

  3. Bubbles

  4. Hose: Slip ‘N Slide, Filling buckets with water, inflatable pools


Summer Safety


Resilient Parenting